Oh how easy it would be to go down a million rabbit trails, and turn thisinto a book. Many people love to study ancient secret societies, tales of Alien/man pacts, shadowy political groups, etc (ad nauseam). To those who listen to my podcast, Anomie Patrol, you know I like to take a simpler approach. After all, you could spend your life (and your sanity) making connections and studying everything from ancient texts to leaked government documents, and never really get to a “bottom” of any “conspiracy theory”. They are fun to contemplate and make for entertaining conversations, but anybody who is convinced they have “proof” beyond doubt to a single earthly power centre is deluded by their own visions of intellectual grandeur. That is almost the point of the “conspiracy theory”. The very term, “conspiracy theory”, was coined to plant a germ of doubt in the public mind concerning the “truth” (or lack thereof) in the JFK assassination
Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely conspiracies, they are happening all the time right under our noses. Conspiracy “theories” are elaborate tales of superior evil races, or secret societies (always in the shadows) who have superior knowledge and “run” everything. The mysterious “they” creeps into daily conversation. As in: “oh yeah, they want us scared and locked in our homes”, or, “there is no way 9/11 wasn’t at least partially an inside job, they needed an excuse to go to war”. Dressing up the “they” with a certain race, religion, cabal, or secret society lends an exotic flavour. If one can then trace roots, connections, historical clues etc deep into the past; a person can feel positively “in the know”, and superior to the rest of the “sheep”. That is really the power of the “conspiracy theory”, it’s the ability to explain this screwed up world, while not shouldering any responsibility to put it right. I mean, no one is expected to fight an ancient, powerful and elaborate organization that could make you disappear; right?
Conspiracies are not “myths” (obviously) once they are discovered andthe“woo woo” factor dissolves, leaving a rather bland flavour of “this group of people worked in secret to do thus and thus. History is littered with conspiracies that rapidly go down the memory hole once the cloak of mystery is ripped off. What we can learn from this is that the “conspiracy theory” is usually quite plain once all the romantic nonsense is removed. So that being said, let’s take a look for the “mysterious THEY,” that are moving and shaking the world under our feet
The Ultra-rich
“The devil finds work for idle hands” goes the old saying, I think one could also add in “idle money”. Once a person (corporation, trust fund, union, organization, etc) accumulates a certain amount of cash, there is nothing left (thats needed) to buy. Simply making more money is not even a challenge anymore. To a normal person money is a pile, or a number column. To the wealthy, money becomes like electricity, the power to change a society. The power to control beyond normal human ability. If twelve billionaires have cocktails together and decide to “make a difference” in the world, is that a conspiracy? What if you add time to the equation? What if 12 filthy rich families get together and commit to certain changes in society over generations? No real “woo woo
conspiracy theory” here is there? Simply comes down to the deciding if “make a difference” means controlling (evil) or improving (good) the society in which they live. Forget all the “eat the rich” crap ideas flying around, Jesus said: “the poor you shall always have with you…” so it goes without saying that there will always be “rich” people as well. The scary part is what happens to the heart of a person when excessive wealth enters the equation, evil follows easily.
The Ultra-famous
The movie star, the rock idol, sportzball heroes, etc. Joe public recognizes their faces and reacts to their voices like dogs to an old familiar master. That’s power. But there is also the machine grinding behind the curtain of the Media Industrial Complex, all those who hold the strings of the puppets we worship. Do some research on how much of our sports, news, entertainment, etc has been falling into fewer and fewer hands in the last 50 years. If you gathered all the people who hold actual control of the “big
picture media” when it comes to cameras and microphones they would fit around a large boardroom table, wouldn’t surprise me if they literally did that occasionally. This is raw power, does that make it a “woo woo conspiracy theory” ? Or is it just conspiratorial power? This industry lives in our heads, forms our opinions, and sets agendas; it can’t help it. So is it a good thing? Or bad thing? Back to the old good/evil question eh?
The Ultra-religious
Ok so here we find ourselves smack dab in the good/evil section, or at least that is the question that religion is supposed to answer. At this point I have to acknowledge that we find ourselves in a proverbial treasure trove of “woo woo conspiracy stuff”. Religions have been around forever and myths/legends/etc abound. Stories that have been told and re-told for thousands of years tend to become elaborated and doctored, but let’s keep our wits about us. Religions are the natural outgrowth of mankind’s answers to metaphysical questions, and therein lies a great power to control people. Along with that power is the temptation to use it for the wrong reasons, just like money or fame. And, just like there is nothing inherently wrong with money or fame, religion is not inherently evil. Conspiracies? Boundless, I’m sure. You could
probably spend your life tracking all the historical ins and outs of religious power brokers. If one removes all the chants, whispers, bells, symbols, etc all you’re left with is the virtue/evil of mankind. The actual underpinning of the beliefs of any religion hardly count when said religion seeks earthly power.
The Ultra-ideological
We now find ourselves sitting in the control room of actual direct command; politics. Politics is meant to be power, that is the point of the political. The command/control system of a society has all the levers, indicator lights, switches and dials for directing the moving parts of a nation. Now whether that nation has a king on a throne in front of the control panel, or a paid employee, is decided by the ideology of the culture. Not all ideologies are created equal,
some are pure evil. Like religion, ideologies and governments have been with us since the beginning. Government is also raw power, so legends, mysteries, and myths have grown up with them. Conspiracies gather around power like flies around the south end of a pastured cow, and along with that are the “woo woo theories”. But still, if we have learned anything so far, where power is, the “woo woo” follows. If people were smart they could identify an evil ideology: here are some clues. If an ideology has a blood drenched history (naziism, communism) it would be smart to avoid. If an ideology is vague about who sits at the command centre, like nazism (the nation or race) or socialism/communism (“the people”) it would be smart to avoid. I mean, someONE is going to hold the levers of power, right?
When The “ultras” Conspire
I must mention we have other minor players in the power game.Unions, guilds, societies, clubs, leagues, lobbies, etc, are simply organizations of “little people” who have pooled their political/monetary/religious/ power to try and buy a place at the “power” table, they are often used as pawns by the big players. Then one must also consider the players who are “given” a form of “power” in order to be used as tools. These people are divided by “class”, “race”, “belief, or “gender” in order to be used as a bludgeon against other power players, but as soon as power is achieved, they are put back in line. But that is not what this section is about, it’s about what happens when all the “ultras” get together to decide the direction of the world. This is the point where all the “woo woo” doesn’t help anything. It is actually really simple, when 100 wolves decide what to do with the 1,000,000 sheep, there is no “woo woo”. When all the
power brokers sing from the same song sheet, you’re about to be eaten. Whether all the “power” players meet in the bohemian grove to rape small children and dance around a statue of moloch, or take hallucinogens and talk with the “clockwork elves”, is irrelevant.
The symbology, ancient writings, obscure religions, secret handshakes, etc are interesting to look at and talk about, but the secrets are not really important, the “ultras” are deciding what to do with you. The “conspiracy theory” sensationalism actually works against the normal people. When a bunch of power players meet together to plan (like the infamous Bilderberg group) , the alternative media gets in a lather, and the mainstream media yaps out “conspiracy theory” crap.The power brokers are actually meeting, it’s not a theory. Sometimes the big players publish their intent, as in “the club of Rome” or the U.N stuff. The conclusions these high mucky-mucks come up with are rather off putting, if you believe in personal liberty or private property, but any opposition to these plans are quickly buried by the media as “conspiracy theory nonsense”. If you really want in on the ultimate “conspiracy theory”, to really “understand” once and for all, well, keep reading
The BIG One
Ok, it’s not a theory, it’s a belief. It’s not conspiracy at the earthly level, it’s in the metaphysical. This concept has been banging on the door throughout this entire essay; good and evil. I will now just retire any delusions of politics, culture, monetary power or illusionary fame as the main force. You see, where all earthly conspiracy theories fall apart is at the level of control, or even communication, especially the ones that span centuries. I mean, Hitler could make the trains run on time, and inspire an entire country to worship him almost as a god, yet it all broke down. Communism was supposed to be the ultimate in centrally planned command and control; it utterly failed. So we’re supposed to believe that some obscure cult/race/religion/ideology/secret society is peeking around every corner and ultimately controlling everything? Please.
Allow me to introduce an alternative theory, mankind is not alone in this dimension. We, as a people, are not the ultimate influence on one another, there is a power that is right under everyones nose and has been there from the start. No, I’m not talking about space aliens (although I’m sure “they” would like to seen that way if you’d be gullible enough). It’s not
ascended masters (much more to “their” liking, it doesn’t require a “ship”). I am talking about the spiritual realm, y’know, that thing that has been with mankind forever, always written and talked about, from the most ancient times? Oh for goodness sake get those pictures of chicken winged puffy babies and the horned guys in red underwear out of your head! Maybe you prefer it that way? Keep the inter dimensional beings that are written about in all the ancient texts as cartoon characters while you chase E.T. ? O.K
Well, I will just let Paul the apostle give the last word on the concept of the biggest conspiracy ever. EPHESIANS 6:12- “ For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.
Now maybe you think I’m copping out, I took away all your cool secret society stories and slipped in a limp comic book story from the “olden days”? Maybe you snort in derision because this is just “church stuff”? Well ok, first let me say two things:
1) this story spans way beyond “church stuff”, and you would soon find that out if you studied other ancient religions, the concept of other beings (who we have little understanding of) influencing humanity is Reeeeeealy old (and they don’t have glowing fingers, or wanna just “go home” a’ la E.T.). If people were honest, I think the reason for the hatred toward the Judaeo/Christian metaphysical belief system is that it comes with a certain PERSONAL responsibility for things, it is much more carefree to try and find some reality in a single Aztec hieroglyph.
2) This theory actually pertains to YOU (just read the context of the above scripture, it comes with directions. What other “conspiracy theory” has that.) Ultimately, it is the story of good and evil, love and hate, creation and destruction; ultimately it holds the fate of your very soul.