Well, I haven’t made contact for awhile eh? Nothing on the site or new podcasts out since the end of August. Part of that has been due to finally getting some nice weather, and a backlog of work to do on the farm. But it’s also been hard to keep up with the how fast the world is spinning out of control. There are zillions of websites out there that can do in-depth analysis of the culture, politics, etc and break down the details in each particular subject. What I try to provide is a unique perspective of the world as a whole, all to answer the question of; “where is this all going and why am I feeling so scared and worried”? From the edge of the wilderness I use the internet as my spyglass to survey the madness of our modern society, giving the perspective of an outsider. I also try and look at things through the lens of history, and the perspective of my western culture.
Up until this last few months tracking the tectonic shifts has been a subtle thing,spotting dangerous trends in culture and the quiet moves of evil influencers. However, I am alarmed at the rate to which the “subtlety” is disappearing. Between the worldwide ChiCom flu pogrom, and the Trump train thundering through contrived “progressive” lies, people are starting to “see” for themselves.
Anomie is the feeling of alienation, purposelessness, and instability, in an individual or group, caused by the erosion of standards and values. Up till now this has been a quiet erosion, socially engineered by the “elites”, in order to “fundamentally change” our society. Radical leftists burn cities and kill police in “peaceful” protests, power hungry governors ban garden seed sales and outlaw boat outboards on lakes to fight a “flu”, activists fight for the right to chemically castrate six year old “transgender” boys, and white skin (combined with maleness) is blamed for all the evil in the world.
Leftism is a mental illness brought about by a failure to understand reality, and a compulsion to force a delusion on the population by any means necessary. The delusion is the belief that equality of outcome is the greatest good, that power must be applied to the masses to ensure that all are “equal”.
I guess to anyone who reads here at “Ranger’s Writings”, or sits at the fire of the “Anomie Patrol” to listen to my podcast, you know what I’m talking about. If the ideas that I share resonate in your soul, then you must be seeing that the world is on the cusp of a change. The lines are being drawn and the players are revealing themselves. What were once vague ideas of governance and culture are all in question, sometimes it seems as if reality itself is in question. As the “medical” masks have been ordered on, other (more deceptive) masks have begun to slip. The system pumps out a fear message, and divides the population into camps. Those that are afraid, and wear a “medical” mask, are angry at those who defy the order. Those who defy the order are upset with those who capitulate and cover their face. Everyone is being watched and catalogued, if you believe the “conspiracy theories”. The bottom line is, all the normal people are being groomed into a situation (the so called “new normal”), wether they comply or not; lines are being drawn. The term “new normal” is being used like a baseball bat to the head.
Now we have a fake election to contend with south of the border. The United States of America just had an election that would have made a backwater third world country blush in shame, as of this writing everything is still up in the air and tempers are flaring. Even this bush living Albertan feels a sense of foreboding every time he reads the news. There is no longer a “subtlety” to the feelings of anomie, it is right in your face like a rabid dog. No matter how this whole thing plays out, it will not be good. No one on earth, with any cognitive ability, will trust the outcome of this election; violence seems imminent.
The deceptive masks of the “elite” have not just slipped a bit, they are being torn off in genocidal anger. The legacy media has shown itself as a leftist propaganda machine, big corp has thrown its hat in with the quasi-socialist global agenda, and big tech is using its might to suppress any message it deems “politically incorrect”. The other side? Well, that is you. The normal everyday person that just wanted to work, to build, to nurture a family; to live your life as you deemed fit. The only mask you wear is the one you’re mandated to wear, to show what a good little compliant citizen you are. The everyday person is shackled with chains of compliance.
The chains you wear are of your own choosing, they are chains of fair-play and “niceness”. You go along with the gong show because you don’t want to be “racist”, “_____phobic”, or be seen as angry and ornery; besides, swimming against the stream is hard work. Generations have gone by while the left has changed every institution in the land, from ones that served the common man, to ones that are now designed to control. Every animal on earth feels uneasy when it is being led to slaughter. Under the circumstances, anomie is the “normal” feeling you should have
So what is one to do? There are a few options out there of which I am not qualified to comment on, such as direct and immediate paramilitary action. There is a good case to be made for simply shouldering firearms and marching through the institutions that the left has occupied since world war two. I know there is much talk of this, and it would probably be decisive; but very bloody. I suspect much of this talk is just hot air vented by people who are sitting in a basement somewhere stuffing cartridges into magazines, waiting for braver souls to “come off the porch” first. But I also suspect there are even more (the quieter ones) who have endured the horrors of battle for their country, in far-away lands, only to come home and watch domestic enemies destroy everything that they bled for. My intuition tells me that this is a scenario that makes the corrupt leadership break out in a cold sweat, it’s no wonder that there is a constant push for gun control from the left. I’m thinking that the lack of a “chain of command”, which the vets always worked under, is one of the only things stopping such a move. But I am speaking from total ignorance, as I have never served in any military.
My thoughts tend toward getting one’s heart, head, and guts sorted out; that is something every normal person can do. Wether one is military or civilian, young or old, man or woman- we all need to see the true picture. The institutions are gone, trust is gone; life from here on in will never be the same. This is not a call for “everyman for himself”, just the opposite; it’s about building trust in others who are trustworthy. This is not a call to accept a “new normal” from some wanna-be dictator, but to nock down the propaganda that has taken residence in your own head, bring back a faith in the bedrock from which the Western culture was formed. This is about standing up straight when you push against stupid illogical rules and make judgments for you and yours. This is about finding the courage to “swim against the current” and take back your sanity and dignity. This is about even, maybe, finding the joy in doing so. Stand your ground, laugh at the petty tyrants, smile at the weak, and strike back against the evil.
The writing that I do, and my talks around the fire at the Anomie Patrol podcast are a small thing, but if my efforts can give a little insight, or maybe a little comfort, to someone who feels lost and confused; then I will have met my goal. In the end we are all sojourners in this adventure called life. This is not a new scenario we are facing, history is littered with the troubles of tyrants and dictators, battles and plagues, and the struggles of privation. The story of mankind, ultimately, is the struggle with the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent was there in the beginning, he will be there till the end. Your life adventure, like your soul, is your responsibility. Do not sell your soul for comfort, safety, trinkets, or a non-existent “utopia”. Trust your soul to your creator, and do what needs to be done.