the Anomic Ranger 


“Old paths, new directions”

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Thoughts Left Behind

   Our society is becoming unstable. Fragmented by fraudulent politics and weakened by insatiable bureaucracies, governments no longer serve; but rule. Our great institutions of learning, entertainment and culture have become hollow with corruption and depravity; they now begin to self immolate in a heated rush to damn the civilization that created them. The root of all evil chokes our halls of finance and the social fabric frays and tatters. The light of freedom begins to sputter, throwing shadows on the future.

   The collective is assured that everything is normal, but the feelings of alienation, uncertainty and distress are growing. The ideals of the past become blurred, the very purpose of existence is slipping away.

   All this can be summed up in one word…….ANOMIE.

   Anomie is a descriptor of both the social instability that results from a breakdown of standards and values as well as the descriptor for the personal feelings of unrest, alienation and uncertainty that comes from the resulting lack of purpose or ideals. Anomie comes from the greek word anomia-it means lawlessness. Western society was forged as a culture governed not by a king, nor the mob; but by the rule of law. The individual was sovereign, autonomous, and free; the rule of law stands as a bulwark against slavery, theft and murder. The idea of the rule of law has had growing pains, been paid for with blood, and has forged the most advanced, free, and rich middle class the world has ever seen. The attack on this system is not an accident, and has been going on subtly for awhile. Time grows short…..

   The possibility of turning the tide and stopping the destruction sequence is remote, but understanding can fight anomie in other ways…….

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