“The ghost in the machine” might have a more relevant meaning today, than that old philosophical discussion about the body and the spirit…and absolutely nothing to do with an old album released (in 1981) by a band called “the Police”. I would like to speak about all the “fear porn” surrounding the concept of “artificial intelligence”, the end to humanity, as some have proposed.

   One single on that “Ghost in the machine” album by “the Police”  was called “spirits in a material world”, the lyrics were insipid and stupid (rather normal for an 80’s band), but the title is intriguing. Can spirits inhabit the material? In a material world? We’ve all heard of an inanimate object being “possessed” by an “evil spirit”, the concept permeates our literary culture. From tales of the “monkeys paw”, to Tom Riddles diary in “Harry Potter”, somehow a great evil is able to “saturate”  an inanimate object; at what…an atomic level perhaps? 

  Here in lies the problem, in order to believe, we must accept a crossover from pure materialism; and delve into the spiritual realm. Churchians have no problem with this, they can believe that evil can “follow” (or permeate) an amulet, or figurine. The religious people say you need to renounce, and burn (or chop up) an object, in order to “break” the “spell” it has on you, and I am not in total in disagreement with this; but what I am going to propose goes beyond that. 

    What I am going to propose will make both the religious, and the materialist, recoil in horror.  What I am talking about is the meshing of the “technological” world, and the “spiritual” world. “Fallen-Angels-flying-U.F.O’s” kinda stuff . I will ask that you keep an open mind, and forgo a hardened heart, stay with me while I put forward my concept; and provide some proof. I am proposing that we are now behooved to put a moral spin on all tech moving forward, it might help us to root out “scientism”, in order to differentiate it from actual “science”. 

     Keep in mind that I am a technologically inept troglodyte, I’m already half believing that (at times) my computer is possessed by demons. It would take very little for a holy man (or a computer guru) to convince me that the only solution to my silicon chip problems would be the ritual burning of my computer. Tannerite and rifle bullets would be more my style, but a hot fire would do when that infernal machine refuses to bend to my will. But I digress.

    Let’s get back to “A.I”. I am not going to explain AI because there are others more adept at such topics, research it yourself. I will say that popular culture goes on and on breathlessly about it. “Take-over” is a common phrase, so is “end of humanity”; the concept of “sky-net” (from the “terminator” movies) where the machines nuke the humans, is often referred to. Can a machine do that? Can a machine be “evil”? An interesting concept.

   Then there was a TED talk I saw, a man talking about quantum computing, he was so excited! He went on about how this is unprecedented, that quantum computing was going to show mankind the way to build build AI computers that would build the future, did I mention how excited he was? This man barely explained how quantum computing works, except to say that it reaches into the multiverse, in order to take into account all the possible outcomes of each decision. Mostly what he talked about was how this computing device has to be cooled to near absolute zero in order to work (that’s -450 f, in case you were wondering). The thing he seemed almost “giddy” about was that this awesome refrigerating system pulsed; like the heartbeat of something alive.

   I talked to a man whom I trust completely, who designs and codes computers for a living, and he simply concluded that, in the end, it’s garbage-in-garbage-out when it comes to computers; just like it has always been. It seems as if his synopsis were true when  Googles’ new AI produced pictures of the “founding fathers” of the US constitution as black men, and European fifteenth century kings as East Indian women; AI was made stupid with “progressive” programming. So if artificial intelligence can be made stupid with bad programming, can it be made evil? I kind of think so. But that is not what I am talking about. I am not talking about a thinking machine that is designed to be evil, but one that can be controlled by evil forces regardless of how it is programmed; an example of best intentions gone awry due to unseen, incorporeal energies. I am talking about demons, Nephilim, fallen entities, etc that don’t have the best intentions towards humans.  

    I am not asking you to believe necessarily, but if such entities existed, do they have the ability to push electrons? Can they influence circuitry? Now many (the hardened materialists)  would say that if one is going to push reality beyond the realm of the material world then, why not, woo woo is woo woo. I am mostly asking the question of those who entertain the idea of a spiritual realm (the churchians). Those folks entertain the idea of good and evil forces; can a demon inhabit a computer program that is programmed to think?

    It is like the belief in gremlins, those pesky goblins that caused so much grief in the early twentieth century air forces. The concept of an intricate machine, that is befallen with unexplainable failures, was simply blamed on a “gremlin”. A Gremlin was a made up entity. Yet the folklore was built up around such incidences so much that it became a popular topic in war time propaganda posters, and even Disney stories. And yes, “Gremlins” became a movie later on. Miners in the old country, way back when, had the “Tommy knockers”, entities that caused trouble deep in the bowels of the earth, and all cultures have had stories of “Fairies” that were simply vandals and tricksters. The twentieth century air force gave rise to the “Gremlins”.

    Computer programmers talk of a “bug” in the system, as far as I know “a bug” simply means a bad line of code that causes a computer program to “glitch”. The term “bug”came about, some say, when a fried moth was found to have shorted out a relay in an early version of a simple electronic calculating machine, and thus caused a wrong outcome. However, even Edison was using that term when writing about problems found in early versions of telegraph technology; a gremlin by another another name, a “ghost in the machine.” 

    Let us get back to AI. This great thing that is supposedly going to enfold us all. Many claim it will be both a breathtaking future, and a dystopian end; all at once. Garbage in, garbage out; plus bugs and gremlins. Let us all just take a deep breath from the hype. AI may change the future, but let the past, and even the far past, guide us. The concept of the internet was, at one time, the simple concept of computers joined enough to communicate instantaneously. Many thought this would be a novelty at best, a useless fad, or trend. Some claimed it would be a harbinger of evil, or would at least change the world so much that it would make reality itself unrecognizable. Looking back, everybody had a little chunk of truth. Nobody foresaw how much it would take over the retail trade, or seen the coming juggernaut of social media. Trying to foresee the effect of AI will probably be the same. 

    I know one thing, AI will be used as an excuse to control every person on planet earth. Even now, without AI, the predator class have laws that control such things as rainwater collection, milk, and unlicensed vegetables. Scotland passed a law, to be in effect as of the fall of 2024, that will give a six month jail sentence to anyone with an unlicensed chicken. The government control of food, water, and energy is unwarranted and uncontrollable, on any logical scale; it is just being done, and the unwashed masses bitch, but the government plan to control everything only moves forward.  

    In my last podcast of the Anomie Patrol (season2 episode 10) I talked about how the “fallen ones” have influenced humanity. There was a being born of the different classes of God’s creation, that were known as the “Nephilim”. All these creatures ranged in abilities and powers, the “gods” and “demigods” of old, if you will. The ancient texts speak of how they taught technology to the humans. The first melding of the spiritual and the technological took place a long time ago. It is not a far stretch then, to believe that spiritual forces could “take a place” in the new technology of “artificial” intelligence. Here now, is my own experience, with AI.

    As you can see from this blog post, I like to use artwork to bolster my faltering prose. I think a really good picture, being worth a thousand words, does wonders to set a mood, or express a feeling. Back in the days when I was writing on my other blog “papersunderarock”, I would simply pull pics from google images; without a care in the world. Then along came the copyright purges around 2018 and many pics were pulled. When I started writing as Anomic Ranger I payed money to get images; some images were still taken down. It is not productive to fight for one image out of 10 for everything I write, my words will linger (maybe), but I knew the images would not. When GAB AI came along I thought “this is it, images generated out of my own imagination!” I had a lot of fun with it. As you can see this very article has some fun images, (the computer troglodyte is my favourite.) The images draw the eye and set a mood, I love them; and spend as much time picking them as I do writing. However, I ran into the dark side while generating images, it was like seeing an evil ghost, in a place you never expected to run into one.

   I had woke up at 2:30 am and couldn’t go back to sleep, this happens fairly often for me. I made some notes in the late hour, and then to reward my insomniac tendencies, I decided to play with GAB.AI. I had some ideas in my head about future articles I wanted to write about. The images I thought of, I hoped would inspire me. 

   The first idea for an article was about the food industry, and how evil it has become. I suspect our transdimentional overlords are to blame; “clown world” if you will. The image I wanted generated was a follows: “A dystopian town is falling apart, a beautiful apple tree sits in the middle. An evil giant clown is chopping down the apple tree. A stoic ranger looks on while holding the hand of an innocent young girl” The picture here is the one that was given. No ranger is sight, it looks as if the clown gave the girl the apple, and the evil clown is staring at me (at you now), as if to say “fc*k you”.

    Ok, I understand AI is not perfect, it often mixes things up. I switched to another Idea I had. I have an Idea about writing an article about the Genesis 3 “seed war”. That passage in Genesis where it talks about how the seed of the woman would crush the serpents head, while the seed of the serpent would bruise His heel. I wrote a rather lengthy description, a serpents head being crushed, close up, a sandalled heel, male legs, bags of grain spilled around  that were labeled “GEN 3” , etc. A sick porno picture was what was generated. A phallic snake, no heads crushed, no grain bags, etc etc. The pseudo noose was uncalled for, and even though I had asked for a bleeding bruised heel, the snake melding with the leg? Totally out of the blue. 

    Ok, I was still (despite my chills) willing to say, “ this is all a mis-communication” between “AI” and myself. I then asked for something simple, one sentence. “A snakes head being crushed under an sandalled heel” . The last image was almost more disturbing than the first, as it seemed to be signed by the artist. If you look on the right thigh of the man there is a snake eating it’s own tail. The snake appears to be floating and attached to nothing. That symbol is known as the “ouroboros” and is a very ancient symbol of the occult. It symbolizes many things, but some attribute it originally to Lucifer himself. Again, no head crushing, multiple snakes, and the fusion of the man and the snake. Also note that the fused snake is looking at you with only one eye; another occult symbol. 

    Many will say it was the late hour, an AI glitch (or just the AI having more data on occult stuff than Genesis stuff) or my vivid imagination, that lead me to my conclusions. However; once is nothing, twice could be coincidence, but three times is “enemy action”. On the spiritual level of this mortal world, one has to keep in mind that there are no hard and fast rules, it is best to squint and let your eyes go a little out of focus (like those optical illusion puzzle pictures) in order to actually “see”.

     So what am I actually trying to say? I am broaching the concept that the physical, and technological world is not as far apart from the spiritual world as we may have thought. I know that churchian/christian types typically have a different mindset, that the physical world is what is around us, and the spiritual world is this fairyland that is somehow “other”. I also think the deception goes further than a “thinking” computer, and anyone who has been paying attention these last few years can see it. The world is all around us, the world is controlled by evil (for now); therefore ALL it’s systems should be regarded as having the potential of being controlled by evil. God does not ordain scientists, or doctors, when they don the white lab coat. The  bankers in nice suites can be evil. Football players and movie stars can “sell” their souls to satan, no matter how entertaining they are. The “system” is not your friend. What the bible calls “the world” is not just comprised of gambling joints, bars, and brothels; it’s the whole enchilada.

   As we speak, a company called Blackrock, is slowly taking over all the financials of the world. It has controlling interest in all stocks, bonds, etc; it controls more money than the entire GDP of the United States of America. How did it get so big? An AI program called ALLADIN makes all it’s trades. The ALLADIN program is leased out to all the major trading companies (they say ALLADIN is so crucial that without it; they would fail) That tells me that what ALLADIN doesn’t own? It controls. As this is written Blackrock is buying up single family dwellings everywhere (and driving up prices beyond what individuals can afford) So while Claus Schwab is puts on his “Bond villain” costume and declares “you vill own ‘nussing, and be happy”, an AI program is grinding away to make it happen. The villain in the costume is a distraction, the demon is in the computer. 

    Reading all this stuff it is easy to despair, but I stand on the truth of the Word of God. The bible tells me that “there is nothing new under the sun”. Could this be true? Ancient “pulsing” quantum computers and image drawing “artificial intelligence”? Maybe not. Maybe the ancients had a more direct way of letting the “fallen ones” lead them. Maybe we are the crude ones, going to such lengths to be fooled into evil. What started out as a piece of fruit, to be tempted, has come down to billions of dollars in hardware in order to fall for the lie of “you can be as gods, knowing good and evil”. It’s the same old lie, by the same old entity, he wants you to join into the battle against the Creator. The only “new” thing here, is what God has done, for the children he loves. He came down and sacrificed himself in order that we no longer have to live with the mistake that we made so long ago; no longer do we have to live with the mistakes we make each day. God’s grace (for a time) is the rule.

  The Apostle Paul quoted King David about the future that God has prepared “why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things” That is all AI is, the heathen imagining that they have a chance against Almighty God. Christ is coming back as a warrior with a rod of iron, AI and “quantum computing” will be smashed along with all the other clay pots of a smug and conceited people. Choose now, choose wisely, whom you wish to serve.
