So, the US government finally admitted that they have “extraterrestrial” vehicles and other evidence of “aliens”. The UFO community struggled for years to get“official” information, bitterly complaining of conspiracy all the time. Now the “powers-that-be” finally admitted that all the stuff about flying saucers was true, and, the government has salvaged space vessels “not made of this world”! What was the reaction from the main culture? Yawns; yawns and crickets. I’m sure that part of the reason for such an underwhelming reaction had to do with the fact that the world is reeling from the effects of the scamdemic. Also, the lame barely talked about it, it would have been interesting if the entire media had started hyping and pumping the story. Even that may not have had a bigger effect, the entire culture is permeated with the nauseating effects of being lied to by government and media. Mental and emotional exhaustion are the norm for the common people in 2021. Reactions to sensationalism are now compartmentalized behind a wall of “yeah right, another lie, I’m sure”. But, maybe the common man should take another look at this phenomena, this may be the quiet set-up for a deception so deep and cruel it’s beyond imagination (almost)
As we take a deep dive into flying saucers and “little green men” There are a couple of things I want to say up front. I am not a ufologist and I only have a passing interest in the phenomena; I have a different take on what’s going on. There are folks out there who live for the mystery of space aliens in strange craft, visiting mankind from a far off galaxy. That means I will probably mess up on the technical jargon and “established” knowledge of ufology. The second thing I want to challenge you with is how the idea of “visitors” has been rooted into our culture for over 70 years. From the 1950’s early science fiction flying saucers and tinfoil bedecked “martians”, to movies like “E.T” with his friendly finger. Then you have to look at the scary ones like “alien” and “independence day”, where the visitors are less than friendly. What this has done is give us a body of “knowledge” that is completely artificial; society has made up its mind as to what is going on with these visitors. The aliens have traveled across galaxies to make crop circles, steal cow genitalia, and abduct drivers on lonely country roads, so don’t argue. It is now
time to open your mind a little on another possibility. One more thing. Im going to be diving into religious and spiritual ideas in this article (maybe even some ancient “myths” and legends) just a bit of a warning, some may say that is “unscientific”, but it seems to me that what passes for “science” today is rather subjective. In fact, science and “magic” seem to be headed on a collision course.
I am aware of the concept of “ancient aliens”, I heard it was a cable series or something. Never seen one. A race of superior beingsfrom planet Nibooboo or something. These powerful beings (gods) helped mankind along and are coming back eventually, how convenient. One must also consider that there is a large contingent of the UFO crowd that no longer believe that the aliens are “inter-galactic” but are “inter-dimensional”. There are also stories about the people who wish to “connect” with these superior inter-dimensional beings, turn not to sophisticated communication
technologies, but to ancient rituals; hmmmm. Add to all this the fact that so many people who have encounters with aliens are also “open” to other paranormal encounters; ghosts, shadow figures and the like. A final thought. There are many stories in the paranormal world (“aliens” fit in here) of the power found in an ancient religion, Christianity. The power found in the name of Jesus. I have heard multiple stories of people plagued by paranormal visitations, to the point of madness, stop it cold by claiming power through the name of Jesus. Makes one ponder don’t it?
At this point you have to make a commitment to me…a promise. I’m going to use the word “angel” and you MUST NOT envision chubby babies with tiny wings, a cute little girl, or arobed figure (blond, of course) strumming a harp with its eyes permanently rolled upwards. Angels are well documented, they are a completely different creation from us. Pure spirit being, yetcapable of taking physical form. Very powerful, yet limited by the laws of creation. Messengers of almighty God, yet a third of them rebelled against God and followed Lucifer in a heavenly insurrection. We also know by biblical records (Genesis 6) that some of the fallen ones got way to cozy with mankind. The book of Enoch has much to say, and yet strangely that book got left out of the biblical canon. The church slumbers while the
“fallen ones” again plot to show themselves as the superiors to mankind. More on that later. One of the outcomes of the relationship between fallen angels and man was a mixing of the genetic codes God created, and the result was the nephilim. By all accounts these were soulless creatures, very nasty, yet very powerful. Can you say demigods? Every culture has tales of half beasts, demigods, and powerful beings full of “magic” that led mankind (directly) fairly often. One has to reflect a bit in humility. All these stories and pictographs painstakingly chipped into stone about half beasts and demigods, and powerful god like leaders seen as “above” their human subjects. Was this an account (for sure exaggerated) of actual situations? A wild tale, pure fantasy, chopped into rock? The work of a supremely ignorant and superstitious people? (Who also built grand empires with feats of architecture unparalleled today?) We need to look at the modern world through different eyes, before it’s too late. The Anunnaki never really left.
Wild isn’t it? Most folks just live day to day,they work with the material world they are handed. The only magic they see in the material world is the ability to wrestle some sustenance from it. To the normal people this quasi-religio-magic stuff is all just a bunch of woo woo. Before you snort too hard, however, THINK, where are the elites on this stuff? Where is our culture in relation to
ancient beliefs and rituals? Up to its collective eyeballs actually. From Killory Hinten making “sacrifice to moloch” jokes, to the Bohemian Grove phenomena (an elite summer campwith orgies and sacrifices to a giant stone owl). How ‘bout the weird “art” and elitist parties with feigned cannibalism and “spirit cooking”. I mean c’mon maaann?! Ya can’t even go to a concert or watch a football half time show without having to witness a ritual performance with an overtly sexual display that drips symbology and references to ancient and esoteric religions. There is ancient symbology on your damned money! Let that sink in, the long game becomes visible if you let your pre-conceptions die. We got ancient religions that the Israelites fought against popping up today. We got an elaborate “conspiracy theory” that involves ancient secret societies and multigenerational control (remember it is only NOT humanly possible if only humans are involved). What if the “elites” are in contact with “inter-dimensional aliens”, elaborate conspiracy theories become possible. Just sayin’
The world has changed, lets get used to that idea. This is the new normal, we can’t go back. I will never trust “big” again. Big guv, big Pharma, big medico, big religion; too manylies. Our ruling class have decided to use fear to control the collective mind of the people. There is documented evidence the the use of fear and confusion is a method of brain washing. Its not that mysterious, put an individual in a situation filled with the fear of the unknown and remove any ability to “get a handle on it” and the subject will eventuallydo everything their “handler” tells them. The tortured soul just wants relief from the fear of the unknown. The method is interesting. First you blast with fear, give conflicting orders, punish with segregation, and berate attempts at normalcy. Then you give a lull, give leniency, allow to open; but never all the way. Do it again, strip freedom and agency, dose with fear; then let up a little. Does this sound familiar? You. Are. Here. The question is….where are they going?
We are permeated, politics and culture, with an “elite” that are transfixed with both ancient spirituality and a lust for power. We have every indication that our “leaders” feel superior to us and are somehow led by a cabal rooted in one world government and (surprise) ancient orders and esoteric
spirituality. Also, check out the scientific community, no Star Trek here; sorry. Paid, manipulated, tortured; the scientific community is a controlled group. The only break throughs are those that are “allowed”. The ChiCom flu taught us that, if you were paying attention. The fear will ramp up again, or they’ll try to ramp it up. There is pushback now, push harder. Don’t expect the same tactic, maybe it’s a cyber attack this time, the supply chain. Could be a food shortage is planned for our experiencing pleasure. Look to who they blame; the untaxed, unvaxxed, deplorables I bet. There could be a lot of back and forth here, people are waking up. There is even a slim chance the christian church could wake up. Who knows all the dynamics and victories that could be possible. But. There is a button that could be pushed that would blow everything out of the water. It would grip the world and halt everything. This will be the great deception.
I really hate dumping on any hero that overcomes adversity to triumph over evil. What if it is all theatre though. What if peace breaks out, we have a cure for cancer,energy/pollution problems solved and all the fear goes away. What if the only price asked is that we worship those who brought such blessings, after all, they are advanced in both technology and spirituality. Make no mistake, there will be a human contingent that will bring about the destruction of the evil elite. Those child molesting, blood drinking,
pseudo-science cabalists that plotted the death of humanity; they will hang. The “bad guys” are almost cartoonish evil villains who want to kill millions of people and turn the rest into “trans-humans”. “You will own nothing and you will be happy” is their motto. Just add an evil cackle on the end of that motto. All the good people will cheer till their throats bleed, seeing such evil put in its place. The forces for good will give credit where credit is due, their friendly friends of the intergalactic union of
super other worlders. Now. Try standing against that. Everybody will see the defeat of “the Cabal” as a miracle of good against evil. Like I said, the great delusion. If it were possible, it would deceive even the elect. Jesus said that.
Either way, the button of revealing the true “masters” is ready to be pushed, the .gov admission that ufo’s are real is the first trickle that tells us the button is primed. Now do you understand why ‘ol Ranger says life is an adventure? The adventure is ready for you!
The die has been cast, the curtain is going up. Where will you shake out? A world that is on the cusp of such change, where do you see yourself? Just surviving? Helping others? Seeking truth? All of the above? If you see things just carrying like it always has, be careful, you might find yourself complying to, or even fighting for, a life of soul slavery. There is no doubt that the veneer of “materialism” is sloughing off of reality, the “paranormal” is going to assert itself, that is prophesy.
Keep the faith, that is our mission. Preach the gospel, the good news. You see, the reason all this paranormal stuff gets wedged up when the name of Jesus Christ is invoked? That is because all the “deep magic” was invoked when God took on human flesh through His Son and died at the hand of evil. He was an innocent, and divine. My saviour then rose from the dead, and took all the marbles in the spiritual realm. The paranormal is powerless, Lucifer lost. But do not write the powers of darkness off as losers, or stupid. The fallen ones know their time is short and they are filled with a rage and hatred that we cannot fathom. So, stay
vigilant, keep your eyes up. Seek and ye shall find. OH, and keep an edge on your knife, an’ your matches dry. You got this.
Vaya Con Dios, eh?