Let Us Talk About… Privilege.

by | Aug 17, 2020


    Ok, I admit this blog post is really late. I won’t say the dog ate my homework, but more like my work was a real dog. I started writing about how stupid the concept of white privilege is, it ran to 2300 words, and never got to the hard truths. I think that is the issue, the progressives have us chasing sticks like a dog. Oh, they have the leftist morons chasing the same sticks as well, in earnest. But that is not the issue. In the world today things are boiling down quickly, so to spend time time refuting every moronic lie is a waste; that is the point. The water is so muddy at this point everyone is yelling at everyone else, and nobody can see what is really going on.

 My job (as I say on Anomie Patrol) is that of a reality scout. I sit on a ridge top and watch the maelstrom of humanity roil below, pick out the salient points, then pass those points onto my loyal listeners/readers.  It’s sometimes easy to get bogged down, it often feels like wading through a sewer to find individual important pieces of…..well, you know. When I withdraw and think for a bit; I get new perspective. So I have abandoned the idea of commenting on white privilege because anybody with two brain cells to rub together knows that the concept of “white privilege” is complete nonsense; it was designed to be so.

Think about how deceptive the name“Black lives matter” is, someone suggested starting a right wing conservative pressure group called “kicking puppies is evil”, would you support it? NO?!! That means you like kicking puppies?!!. The concept (of BLM) is a red herring for fools to bang their collective heads on, and it doesn’t Matter what the hell the colour of the skin on those foreheads is. BLM is a marxist organization, it pretty much states that on their web sight.

Antifa and the majority of the “enviroweenie” groups; are also just tired old communist tropes dressed as “new and enlightened”, I feel sorry for the gullible youth of today. The song of the “new” left hasn’t changed since the 1950’s, wedge a society apart by working on the “disaffected” (the “proletariat”, ____race, sexually confused, etc.). Then use that rage to foment a “revolution”. I am not saying that these concepts (that the “progressives” like to use to divide people) are.not important enough to be dealt with in a fair society, I’m saying that anybody who hitches their wagon to the marxists? They may as well shoot themselves, and save their “utopian communist regime” the cost of the ammunition.

 Let’s play a game of extrapolation in order to decipher which way the society is headed, if the “progressives” get their way. Total fairness of outcome (regarding race, gender, sexuality, ability, age, etc). Work toward a small “footprint” on the earth; enviro control rules! No oppressive cops being meanies. No asshole “rich people” allowed. A society run by the “experts” that will keep us safe frommm… I don’t know; a rogue virus perhaps. No mean talk, erase all buttheads from the past that are “baddies”.

 OK, I’ll stop there, do you see the the old stinky commie stuff squirting out of the new shiny “progressive” message? But let’s continue the game of extrapolation. The government would have to move people out of the suburbs and rural properties, put everyone where they could be “managed”. After all, people are kinda like a contagion on the planet, so people would have to be “managed”, kinda like hogs or chickens are now. Of course the actual hogs and chickens kept in barns would be “freed” (because factory farming is cruel) by being euthanized,all life would have to go “vegan”. The people now housed in these vertical warehouses, subsisting on corn/soybean mush, would have to be catalogued and managed for “fairness”, and their “speech” monitored closely for “hate”. Male/female, rich/poor, white/coloured, city/rural, cultures, etc; all systematically erased. After the “great reset” (great die-off more like) society would still have to produce, people still need to eat, but it would probably be close to a “Hunger Games” type world. 
Prove me wrong. This is the world without “privilege”.
Am I too dystopian? Not at all, or at least I’m in good company. Brave New World, 1984, The Abolition Of Man, etc; it’s been written about a lot in fiction. History? The blood of 100 million people drenches the earth to bring about the “collective utopia”. Humanity can do amazing things, but when we turn to evil, it get’s really bad, trying to force a utopia is evil. It’s time to wake up from the dream of a top down perfect system, yet that is what people continually want. “Give me a system where I don’t have to be responsible for anything and I can have a lot of fun without consequences”; the redundancy is a feature, not a bug. All people; rich/poor, energetic/lazy, young/old, male/female, etc, feel that life “owes” them something. It used to be argued about by the religious, but religion is now “outdated”. So these same issues have now become political. Morality has become political.
Let me tell you where the real privilege is. It has been a privilege to grow up in a country where me and mine could pursue our lives free of oppression, with at least a slender promise of true justice. It has been a privilege to live in a society that valued hard work and enterprise, so that small boys could dream of the day when they could work and innovate and try to live out their dreams. It was a privilege to grow up in a culture that still believed in heroes, those rare individuals who could defy the odds, prevail against evil, and get the girl in the end. I was privileged to grow up around men who believed in justice, valued honesty, and taught me the same. This was the true privilege, and it had nothing to do with the level of melanin in the skin.
I can sense the sneers, there are those who will be snarling about the poor coloured kids who couldn’t grow up with the same sense of justice. That may be true, and any society should work at correcting an injustice. Sticking “social” in front of justice and berating white children about how “evil” they are doesn’t help the cause. Sneering at heroes, downplaying the importance of fathers, or encouraging welfare also doesn’t add anything to a society . It’s time to stick it to the purveyors of lies from both ends of the political spectrum. It’s time stop being “white” men or “black” men and just be MEN.

Same goes for women, its time to be life giving, nurturing, strong-as-hell women; and raise families with those men that are willingto stand up. It may be that all the different colours and cultures that make up this country can’t all hold hands under a rainbow, maybe we like to do stuff differently; that just means we need autonomy at a community level. There is no good reason to go to war over this stuff, there is plenty of room and resources for all to try different experiments in governance.

Maybe it’s time to tell the power loving, over taxing, over bearing, wrong-about-everything idiots from the government to go stuff themselves. Let them try and foment a war where no one shows up except to coat the lying, power mad, sons-of-bitches in tar and feathers and throw them in the creek. I can dream. It is still a free country; so far.
